We need 2 candidates to be online part of the team
Title: PHP/MySQL • 4-5 years of experience with PHP development o Building classes and objects o Building functions o Version 5.4 • 4-5 years of experience with MySQL o Maintaining a data-model o Developing relational model including the use of triggers o Performance optimization o MySQL server clustering o MySQL Workbench Title: PHP/HTML/CSS/WS • 4-5 years of experience with PHP development o Building classes and objects o Building functions o Version 5.4 • 4-5 years of experience with HTML development o HTML and HTML5 • 2-3 years of experience with CSS development o CSS and CSS3 • 2-3 years of experience with Web Service development o SOAP and RDF Need for both: 1. Documented reference projects 2. Pass a test to understand the level of experience and skills 3. English in both writing and oral Preferable for both expirience with: 1. Joomla,Worldpress CMS 2. JavaScript 3. Eclipse development platform 4. Linux 5. Apache
Цена :по договоренности
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